Friday, January 6, 2012

random Keli

While baby-sitting for Oliver, Fletcher and Desmond one day in December 2011. Oliver age 5 saw a book of mine that I was reading called "See no Evil" he said "that is a chapter book..I have read a chapter book. What is your chapter book called?" I told him..He inquired, EVIL ?? LIKE EVIL PEOPLE?? I said yes this guy worked for the CIA and he would go around and figure out what evil people were doing and how to stop them from doing that. I then showed him a picture of a building in Beirut that had been bombed and said see this evil people do stuff like that .. and this guy tried to stop them..
Oliver then said to me..  "Did you know that sometimes good women marry evil men?" I said yes I know that. I said where did you learn that? " He said well Queen Amidala, she was a really good woman that married Anakin Skywalker and he turned out to be REALLY EVIL..

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