Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Keli Celebrates Christmas part 5 2013

I went to my friend Shirley's in Catlett, Virginia. Here are some of the pictures I took. 
Cody, me and Amber 

 Amy and Nelson 

 Greg and Aaron 
 Stacey, Nathan and Joe


 Myra and Elton

 Sara and Amber 

 Sara, Amber and me

Amber and Cody 

 Dawn and Shirley 

 take one Sara, me and Amber not sure where Amber is 

 take two Sara, me and Amber 

 and here we are.

 now we are standing 

 Then Destiney and I had a photo shoot. 

 awww Destiney is so sweet! 

 Merry Christmas  !!! 

on a side note. I brought a roll of toilet paper for each guy. I brought a Bath and Bodywork hand soap for each woman. 
I made Katharine Hepburn's brownies which were delicious and sausage balls that were just all right.   


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