here we are outside. I am not sure how popular this place is because
1. we could not check in there, like no one ever had ever Melinda tried to make it a destination.
2. we were there awhile and we were the ONLY ones there.
3. the staff was way excited that we were there.
We walked in and looked through the gift shop. THEY GAVE US FREE COAL!!!!??? I know you are jealous right?? FREE COAL.. if you go there you can get some too.
I also got Ralph a shirt DYED with coal.. which is kinda cool when you think about it.
and a local author was there volunteering and she had a display of her book that she had written an LDS romance set in the 1800s in that area. This doesn't really sound like a book I would read but I bought it becaue it is good karma to buy other local authors book.. because one day I will be selling my book and hoping that people buy it.
This museum is set in the sight of an old hotel so we had a lot of fun walking around and taking pictures with all the old stuff.. if anyone ever has anything that is old ever in this town I think that they donate it to the museum..
there were a lot of rooms with a lot of stuff in them including a jail in the basement.
Here we are in the basement jail.. and the picture of us outside and a picture of Melinda .. I am not sure what she is doing but I told her to pose like that.. It was some workshop type thing.
Here we are posing with in the "beauty parlor" section of the museum. Melinda is under a hair dryer and I am about to get a perm.
here we are in the office part of the museum doing what we do.
there were SO MANY other rooms and so much else to see that these are just a small portion of what was there.
When we left the guy that ran the museum came outside and pointed out one of the other famous features of this town they have their own Balance Rock...but seriously once you get to a certain area of Utah if your town doesn't have it's own Balanced Rock..well I don't even know what to say...
there is is Helper,Utah's balance rock.
This was all unplanned and random. But Melinda and I sure did have a fun time in Helper,Utah My only regret is because we spent so long there.. we later did not have time to visit the Four Corners..but when you read the above post does it look like I regreted it that much...nope :)
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