Thursday, March 7, 2013

dating Keli

I have noticed a "common theme" in a lot of mid-singles conversations..

a lot of us are "about to do something"

......any day now... any day...

and when we do that...well THEN we will start dating or will be ready to date.. or whatever...

if you are home from your mission.. you are ready to date...

I know someone that is all the time changing jobs..and is perpetually always broke.. because this career is ABOUT to take off... ANY MINUTE NOW!!! and AS SOON AS IT DOES!!!! then this person is going to start seriously looking for someone...I heard this story from them two years ago.. and lots of times in between and I heard it two weeks ago.. this person is in their late forties...

They say "well I don't have enough money to take someone on a date" ... yes you do there are a lot of cheap date ideas out there..

I know people that say " they just need to loose weight" ............OK well some people do.. but while you are loosing it.. don't hide get out there and go to things!! meet people!!!

I don't know what else to say except if you are guilty of saying things like

"as soon as I... then I will date"

" I am about to do this ... then when that is done.. I will date...

then you need to really think.. think that you can do those things... AND meet someone and start a relationship...

I knew a guy and he said... " I like to take things slow.." I might start dating more this year.." I said "well you had all the time in the world to take things slow between the ages of sixteen and nineteen.. and all the time in the world to take things slow between the age of twenty-one and now.. and well now you are thirty-six.. it is time for you to NOT TAKE THINGS SLOW AND START TO DATE!!!!"

..............that guy is married and a father now..

so all I am saying is
have confidence
have faith
"and while you are out there getting where you going to" you might as well bring someone with you!!!!!

he or she might be able to help you get there...

I better conclude this ..because I am about to clean my room!!! ..

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