Monday, March 19, 2012

random Keli

So I am almost caught up on ALL my shows... here is what I am currently watching
1. Once Upon a Time..- I LOVE THIS SHOW...!!!!!

2. The Celebrity Apprentice...- Clay Aiken is on this season.. should it even be a question that I am watching this.. of course I am watching this... I went on some website and saw that Clay and Arsenio Hall are going to be the final two.I hope Clay wins.. !!!! :) IDK if I can stand watching another long reality show finale if Clay Aiken does not win.....

3.Glee- I text Elaine the other day " on my way" when I was about to get in my car.. I would never text that while driving I don't want to end up like Quinn..

4. Criminal Minds- I like a lot about this show..

5. CSI Vegas- Ted Dansen has made it better I swear... my mom likes that Elisabeth Shue is on it now...

6. Law and Order SVU- the guy from Cold Case.. Harry Connick Jr... and everyone could I not..

7. The Office- I am in love with Jim Halpert...but I would not go as far as Kathy hahahhaha :)

8. The Finder- I am loving this new, fun quirky show

9. Bones- thank goodness this is a good show.. because basically...............I will watch ANYTHING with David Boreanaz in it...

10. Awake- why did I start this show... ? why?? when I already am involved with all the above shows... why?? oh well.. I am enjoying i.. and I like that Fez has versitility as an actor...

11. Switched at Birth- um when is Hulu going to start streaming the episodes.. so I can watch the second season!!!!!....

12. Merlin- I am still in the second season...because finding time to watch ALL the above shows kinda hinders me from progressing with Merlin..

so those are the shows I am currently "in a relationship with" hahahahah:)

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