I am intermittently reading a book about J. Golden Kimball, for the most part it is just OK.. but last night I read something that stuck out to me. I read about how he was in a group of people and split them up and told one side to sing "High On a Mountain Top and told the other side to sing "Come, Come Ye Saints.. and then then pointed out how terrible that they sounded.. both groups sounded good .. but they were singing two different songs..so he taught them to sing in harmony ONE song.. the same song beautiful... what an often object lesson.. maybe if I was brave enough I could do that the next time that Angela or Katie forgets that they are teaching and then I volunteer and "teach" I think that often we are interacting with people that are singing a great song..but it is different than our great song.. and we just need to work together and be more united and work on singing one song...
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