Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Keli travels Nashville part 24 May 2015

I do not think that I EVER.. EVER want to drive in downtown Nashville... I mean besides 

drunk people
filming crews
horse and carriages
pedi cabs

there are these..
 I do not even GET this

people buy beer.. and then PAY to ride around on these while someone serves them the beer they provided.. all while pedaling and listening to loud top 40 music...

nah... I am good... I mean I know I am cool... I don't need to pay to ride on this thing with loud music while drinking.. I am good..

While I was roaming around I came across their "office building" 

 There were SO MANY people with cases of beer so excited to do this..AM I TOO OLD???????????? is that why I do not think this is cool???

 oh and this sign was outside their headquarters..

..... It is official.. I guess I am an old stick in the mud.. or maybe I am just super confident and cool and do not need to ride around on one of these and spend tons of money.. I got other things to spend tons of money on you know..

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