Monday, August 17, 2009


Kathy and I watched the movie 17 again on demand last night, since no one that I asked wanted to go with me to see it. I really liked this movie and I think if I was a person that bought movies or if I started to buy movies or if I saw this movie at the thrift store for sale, then I would buy it... I really liked that except for some of the names that people called each other this movie was for the most part clean. I also liked how this kid could go to HS and be moral and stand up for what is right and still be popular ( of course being hot helped that) anyway it is cheesy and all of that... BUT I liked it!................... and I might need to watch HS musical now..... cause Zac Efron is HOT!............... my favorite parts are when he was like "what is wrong with this outfit, I saw Kevin Federline wearing this SAME OUTFIT in a picture" and when he is in the health class and he started talking about how you should not have sex until you are in love and married....... PRICELESS!

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