Monday, June 28, 2010

Field Trip Day 1

For my birthday this year, I wanted to go to the beach :)

I got off work at 2pm then drove to Alexandria to pick up Justin. I thought that was a smarter idea because he lives right off 95.

I went to my house and got my stuff together and was out the door by 3:10
I sat in traffic on 495
when I finally picked up Justin,
we sat in traffic on 95.

It took us about five hours to get to VA beach it should take 3 hours and 45 minutes....

we went to Danielle's and ate an amazing B-day dinner that Danielle had made,
bacon cheeseburgers-she even got all the toppings that Justin and I liked
sweet pototo fries
devilled eggs
and for dessert ICE CREAM CAKE FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!! :)
I have great friends:)

Justin and I went down to the boardwalk and walked around and saw what there is to see down there

then went back to Danielle's and went to sleep.

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