Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Field Trip Day 3

We woke up at Danielle's house and went to church.

a couple that just joined the church with their family spoke, I really felt the spirit and I felt like GOOD FOR THE VIRGINIA RICHMOND MISSION and the Salem Ward in The Va beach stake BAPTIZING A WHOLE fAMILY.... mom,dad and three kids....um WOW!!!!....

I have been in Justin's singles ward for the past two weeks and it was nice to not be in a singles ward where every other talk or comment is "well I did not plan to be single this long" or
"be single now" or " this is not how I pictured my life" like NO JOKE... but seriously just be HAPPY where you are NOW....

after church we went over and visited my Aunt Gail, who fed us a yummy lunch of sloppy joes, chips and pickles...

after we left Gail's we drove to Norfolk, Va and walked around there... it was beyond hot but Justin really wanted to check out the town, we walked around in a museum and just walked around and took pictures it was fun. We definitaly want to go back there and do some of the stuff when it is not Sunday.

in Hampton,VA we stopped at a Bass Pro Shop and walked around ANOTHER place to go back and buy stuff when it is not Sunday... I at least need a magnet that says Bass Pro Shop on it...

in Williamsburg,VA we took a free shuttlebus around and talked about all the stuff we will do there when it is not Sunday and not so HOT outside, Justin was like so is Colonial Williamsburg somewhere that you would come back to? like um YES PLEASE!

we drove to Jamestown and drove down a road and saw a ferry, I said lets get on it, it was free, it took us over to Surry,VA and then we just got on and road back. We were able to be on it while the sun was setting it was really nice

we drove home arriving back in Alexandria, VA at around midnight :)

and we are now ready to go visit somewhere else :)

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