Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keli travels

You know I love roadside attractions. Well one day in March 2013 Michelle and I were out exploring checking out different love signs and such 

when we saw this....

 omgosh!!!!!!! what.... this is just out on the main road.. and YOU CAN CHECK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we had to turn around... YOU.CAN.CHECK.IN! ...... I told Michelle we need to get Arlington roosters and Chantilly roosters.. for real...

then down the road we saw this..
 I need a fake horse for my yard..goes with that fake cow I saw at that one place in July... 

 this was right by the fake horse.. I need a broken down wagon to go with my fake horse.

and then we saw this.
 oh gosh..I have watched way too much Breaking Bad, what is going on in that RV?

 here is a close-up. Please, Please stop. 

Things just got real.

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