Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Keli travels Nashville part 13 May 2015

 One day when Melinda was at her conference I took a shuttle bus from our hotel to downtown Nashville and went to the Tennesse State Museum.

I love museums. I love history and random stuff like this and it was free.. so of course I went...

It was just me in there and some kids on a field trip that was all. I had a nice time looking around and reading things and just taking things at my own leisure. 

 I could not find anyone to take a picture of me there.. so I finally took this selfie. I later found someone to take the above picture. The lady did not want to though she said I looked very small.. I kept saying "that is OK"...

I did not want to bother someone from the field trip.

 I also came across this... I guess they wanted to sit together. Maybe one day this will be me and somebody. 

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