Thursday, November 13, 2008


Katie and I went to the Logan Art Cinema on Tuesday we saw Man On Wire. It is a movie about a tight rope walker that in 1974 with help from friends set up a tight rope and walked between the World Trade Centers. It had one wierd questionable part that came out of nowhere like um...OK?? and some subtitles cause they speak in French.If you can handle all of that ... then I recommend this movie! I don't know if I recommend going to see it at the Logan Art Cinema. They have no heat.... we just wore our coats and used some extra coats from my car for blankets. I did get cold though....

On another note,earlier in the night we went to Cold Stone and had peanut butter passion ice cream and have decieded we need to make some at home.

We also went by Andersons where Katie got some seeds she is going to mail some to the network that broadcasts Pushing Daisies cause she loves that show and doesnt want it cancelled. If you love that show Katie I am sure would implore you to join in the protest so it wont get cancelled...
wikipedia or other things to look up regarding what I just wrote for your convience this is the guy featured in the movie we saw. I love this site to look up movies! in case you want to find a Cold Stone near you and get some PB passion. these two are so you can check out Katie's show. the store that Katie bought the seeds...


Kate said...

Good times.

Unknown said...

yes I need to watch it....