Sunday, February 12, 2012

dating Keli

My boss Will has his own bookshelf full of books..his wife my other boss Julia has a bookcase and a half full of books ( she also used to work at a bookstore).
my boss Michael has a whole wall of book. Whenever I finish a book at work I read one of theirs.
This made me realize something..I NOW KNOW ONE OF THE THING I LIKE/WANT in a man..
I also like men with fun quirky personalities.. guys that make me laugh..
smart guys..I really like smart guys :) would not hurt if they were handsome too..but I would love it if they
read..and actually liked their own  books.. like they liked books before I even came along
I would love them to be confident and funny like my bosses, Will and Michael..
and I would LOVE if they were smart...
well they have no choice BUT to be smart..because if they are not smart they wont be able to keep up with me :)
.......oh and you know what else would be cool if they had a testimony of the gospel..:)

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