Sunday, February 16, 2014

Keli works

In September 2013, Bryce and Blake's mom decided to go with an au pair. I went looking for another job and I found some great kids to watch in Alexandria, VA they are five years old and twins and I fell in love with them at once. They are great, wonderful smart kids! Everyday I would drive to their house then walk over and pick them up from their school where they went to kindergarten, then walk back to their house. We would have snack and they would do their homework and then when it was still warm and light outside we would walk over to a park that the boys affectionately called "blue park"

Here is a picture of us on my first day 
 Seban on the left and Xander on the right 

 Seban, me and Xander

 plus I made a collage. 

It was a good time.

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