Friday, September 12, 2014

Keli travels

Michelle and I drove all of Skyline Drive. When we got to the end we were in Afton,VA. My cousin Denny and his wife Christine recently opened a distallery in that area, so we went over to visit it.

 Here is the sign welcoming you. They had a food truck outside selling Cajun food. 

 The Cajun food truck guy put a necklace on the gorilla. The theme of the distallery is Silverback gorillas. 

 I posed by him.

 here is another view.

 me again.

 Christine's grandmother used to make bathtub gin. Here is what all is in the gin.

 check out the cool bottles. 

 They are closer.

 I guess you can buy a whole case.

 I got a sticker and a cool little glass. 

 Lauren took us for a tour of the back area.

 I don't know what any of these things are, but I like taking pictures of them.
 Lauren, me and Christine. 

 me and Christine with their cool marketing in the background.

 Denny and I. 

Glad I was able to stop by and see them. 

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