Monday, September 22, 2014

Keli travels

In September 2014, I took Eleanor and Savannah to Claude Moore Colonial Farm Park in Langley, VA one interesting thing is that it is right across from the CIA.  

We went in and after we went through the gift shop, we saw a sign that said we were entering VA in 1771. We walked down a path and some some geese in a pond.
 there they are walking back to the pond. 

We explored a tobacco barn. Eleanor is in 4th grade and this year is learning about Virgnina. She said that she had learned that tobacco was a cash crop for the piedmont region. 

 Savannah and Eleanor

They had turkeys out roaming and the girls enjoyed walking by them and hearing them say gobble, gobble, gobble. 

We went over to the farm house and they had a piglet that the girls enjoyed petting. 

They helped with the chores including washing the dishes. 

 drying dishes

 Then we went in the house and they tried on these hats.

 played this whistle and cup in stick

 posed with this wheelbarrow

 great weather and good day. I am glad that we went.

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