Thursday, January 9, 2014

Crafty Keli

While Blake was on vacation in August, I got to watch Oliver, Fletcher, Desmond, and Campbell. We had a shell themed week. 

I had a ton of shells that someone in my ward was getting rid of and I bought some more at Michaels. The kids had a ton of fun with this theme.

 Fletcher age 4 holding one of the big shells.. I let the kids explore and imagine and do whatever they wanted with the shells and it was fun to see how they incorporated them into their play that week. 

Here is Cami age 9 months with a shell..she took some long naps those days but she was able to join in on some of the fun.

 Here is Fletcher along with Oliver age 7 and Desi age 3 painting shells.. I just got some bagged shells at Michaels and let them paint whichever ones they wanted..

We also took some of Blake's baby food jars and put sand and little shells in them along with "beach glass" those little glass things from the $ store.

I also put the shells I that Tupperware thing above. And Oliver and Fletcher had a fun time sorting shells  into sets and kinds and things like that.

I wished I had gotten a picture of it..but Desmond loved shell week so much he insisted on taking the big shells to nap with him and slept with them..

So yeah shell week August 2013 was a success !!

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