Saturday, September 19, 2009


Under the sink:

shower spray

stain and odor remover ( I still need to use this on the carpet when I get to that point because my carpet STILL smells from when I had cats :()

3 platters


furniture polish

2 things of carpet cleaner



training pads if Spike ever comes in...

big pot


oven cleaner

floor cleaner


a live silverfish that I hope I washed down the sink....

2 small cast iron skookie skillits

big green bowl

a cannister of brown sugar, why was this down there????

fabric protector

bug spray

extra grocery bags and a bag to put them in...

4 cat toys

Spike's brush


2 things of lavender/vanilla/ comfort Febreeze

2 rolls of trash bags

I also found more mouse poop... I put a sticky trap down there because some months ago Josie was over here and helped me clean out down there and we wiped away mouse poop THEN I said now I will know if one has come back... apparently one has...

whatever mice that are shacking up here ... there time is limited... if/when I see one I will barricade them whereever they go with sticky traps until they meet their ultimate DEMISE!!!!!!!!!!!

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