Monday, October 12, 2009


next stack books:

a card from Emyrie and Darby thanking me for baby-sitting them

The Secret Life of Birthdays- I was born on the day of STANIMA! apparently

The Rules- how to get a husband, guess what I have not read this...

365 kid free activities, I used this when I baby-sat an 11 year old named Jordan that was ADDICTED TO TV it did not matter WHAT was on the screen... he would be like drawn in like TV YES!!!!!!! so I would tell him to find stuff to do in that book ... and he did a few things in it! :)

The Black Cauldron- I won this at a white elephant from Andrew Everett, have not read it..

Thomas S. Monson quote that I had hanging on my desk at Qwest....

Margaret Truman book that I have not read yet

directions to use healing cards

photo of Billy Wright when he was a tween

old photo of old family members

The Gentlewomens Choice- have not read this

color readings have not read this

wild women talk back- I think I read this

massage yearbook -2001

recipe for almond crunch

Pampered Chef recipe book from 2005

picture of Alex that my dad took at my birthday June 2008

bookmark we got a stake RS thing I think in 2008.

page of date/FHE ideas ...and checks by the ones I did..

a notebook that says BYU on it inside is:
1. Ryan and my notes on the ward list we were making
2. trivia Ryan and I came up with for the ward list and for a FHE
3. names that Julie Holland Mitchell wanted to name her kids this is like ... maybe 2004?
4.recipe from Mexican cooking class for chile relleno and pico de gallo
5. directions from Ryan on how to hook up illegal cable...which of course we would never do..
6.list of names I want to name my kids circa ... 2004??

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